Capdenac Gare Depuis Clh L.berton 1Capdenac Gare Depuis Clh L.berton 1
©Capdenac Gare Depuis Clh L.berton 1|OTGF - L.BERTON
A unique momentmeeting and sharing

Entratz, visit with the locals

Whether you’re just passing through, on vacation, planning to settle here or have been living here for a long time. You like to share, meet and discover. Be curious and come on in, as various locals open their doors to let you into the heart of their know-how. A moment out of time where the only thing you gain is a sincere human encounter.Farmers, winemakers, heritage and wildlife enthusiasts, they’re waiting to give you an authentic view of our beautiful destination! This project is developed in partnership with Derrière le Hublot. To make an appointment with an Entratz, contact us!

Rose-Marie Rustan

La Falaise is part of my history,” he says, referring first to the horizon, with its incredible view of the village of Faycelles. “At the end of the rock, I often took refuge there to do my homework. Here, I was at peace. In second place, you discover the village‘s heritage, with its low dry-stone walls, caselles and the church towering above. Continue down the bucolic path beneath the cliff. Once you’ve arrived in the dense vegetation, among the ferns, Rose-Marie will talk to you passionately about plants: those that are edible, those useful in the vegetable garden. She’ll also talk about water, the precious resource that follows the cliff. ” My visit is in relief, so you can discover the life of this place through these landscapes”. For Rose-Marie, each walk is a rich experience, an encounter, a moment of exchange and sharing. And if you’re lucky, you might even have the honor of tasting one of her delicious cakes!

Michel Delbos

“Street names tell the story of a town!I was born here, I worked here, I’m part of the local landscape”. His visit will take him to the heights of Capdenac-Le-Haut: “from the vantage point, the checkerboard of streets linked to Capdenac’s political world is revealed”. He’ll be happy to tell you all about the town’s history, development and special features. For Michel, it’s a way of “passing on a family tradition” linked to his childhood: “on Sundays, we used to take a walk from Capdenac-Gare to Capdenac-Le-Haut, where everything starts”. It’s a great way to find out more about the town, with the added bonus of an incredible view over the Lot valley!

Antoine Baehr

After traveling around the world, Antoine, an agricultural engineer by training, decided to return to his birthplace.Passionate about aquaculture, the relationship between man and water, and soil biology, he chose to take up winegrowing in 2015. “Water and wine work together, crops need water, everything is linked”. Antoine will introduce you to his 2,500 organic vines, planted as a family. I didn’t know anything about wine,” he says, “so I learned everything, first at an experimental farm, then on my own, on my own vines. And if you feel like it, he might even share with you one of his other passions: building the dry-stone walls of the Causse. Stop by and take the time to meet him, to discover his vision of vine-growing, his passion for water, working the land and his respect for nature as a whole.

Chistophe Pélaprat

“Hidden art in the middle of the fields.This tour takes you along two closely linked paths: the landscape and its relief, and the landscape and its“peasant heritage”. Christophe will take you through “curtains of trees”, where great oaks dominate, to then glimpse remarkable viewpoints that reveal the diversity of landscapes between Causses, Limargue and Ségala. As you turn around, he’ll show you a gariotte, caselles, a well, a fountain… “Each construction is a work of art”. Christophe marvels at the architectural culture of the 19th century: Folklore here is architecture! Sensitive to the need to protect the treasures that surround us, whether natural or man-made, Christophe will be an interpreter of the area, with a sincere desire to share this hidden heritage with curious visitors and locals alike.

Jean Laporte

Chestnuts are a real part of my life”, says Jean with a huge, contagious smile as he arrives to tell you all about his history with chestnuts. Born into afarming family, he explains the epic story of this fruit, long essential to Ségala. Abandoned for a time, it was in 1976 that Jean and his father planted chestnut trees to revive the activity, ” and then it was off! Jean has always had a keen interest in nature and trees. He’ll be happy to tell you all about the ups and downs of this unusual crop. A true chestnut enthusiast, he’s keen to share a little of his life with you. An authentic visit that will transport you to the heart of Ségala.

Jacques Thébaud

“Where nature has reclaimed its rights. “Jacques knows all about this place. Having arrived 40 years ago, he was one of the founders of the ” Du côté de Puy Blanc ” association in 1995. Their aim: to protect the former quarry, now a wetland, and to pass on their knowledge of the area. The tileworks exploited theclay until the 1980s. It was at this point that nature made a comeback, transforming the man-made landscape into a wilderness home to an incredible array of flora and fauna. “The challenge here was to turn the former quarry into an area rich in biodiversity – and we’ve succeeded! “. And if you’re lucky, you might even hear the song of a protected species, the yellow-bellied toad

Jacques Borzo

La douce musique de Cajarc The hat, for elegance, the curiosity in the bag, the love affair with Cajarc. Originally from Paris, Jacques and his wife have lived in the village for a long time. The first step was the creation of the music school, which is still today one of the many players that make the town of Cajarc so dynamic. Twice mayor, Jacques is proud of this lively and attractive commune of 1,200 inhabitants. ” Cajarc has always been a lively town on the move. A visit with Jacques is a journey through time: ” What I like is to take visitors on a tour from the creation of Cajarc to the present day, with a touch of humor to captivate them. There’s always ” a juicy anecdote “, as well as a bit of history: “ It was hot here! “and a desire to share the beauty of the alleyways, the presence of art and the gentle way of life. As the tour draws to a close, you may find yourself imagining yourself living here, in this unspoilt, picturesque and welcoming corner of the world. And maybe one day, you’ll come back for good!

Marie-Hélène Pottier

A reading of history through landscapes. “In a green setting, surrounded by flowers, oak and chestnut trees, Marie-Hélène awaits you at the door of her house, built of local sandstone. She’ll take you on a tour that will tell you all about life on the Metge hill, from the past to the present day, and the presence of Figeac, which can be seen just down the road. A historian by training, she will share the soul of the place with you, in the company of the old land registry and the census of its inhabitants. Then it’s time to put on our walking shoes and cross the fields and woods, stopping to observe the broom, heather andwild thyme. The first houses come into view, and the archives come alive in Marie-Hélène’s words. “These ruined houses? They were occupied by seasonal workers tending plots of vines and chestnut trees, owned by the town’s inhabitants “. Marie-Hélène knows all the local anecdotes, the family history of these houses located on ” la côte longue de Seyrignac “, the old road leading to Aurillac. ” Here, there has always been a symbiosis between the town and the surrounding hills. All you have to do is listen to your curiosity and try out this unusual visit, a blend of nature and heritage.

Visit Entratz