Superbe Hôtel de la Monnaie de Figeac
©Arcades fenêtres et soleilhos du moyen-âge|Jérôme Morel - Les Editions de la Cévenne


The Management Committee is the decision-making body of the Tourist Office. Constituted as an EPIC (Établissement Public à Caractère Industriel et Commercial), it is made up of 19 elected members and 19 deputies, from the Communauté de communes du Grand-Figeac, as well as 15 elected professionals and 15 deputies. The EPIC legal form means that the majority of the Board’s members are elected representatives, and that socio-professionals are also represented. These members form part of the Comité de Direction (CODIR), the Tourist Office’s decision-making body. In accordance with the French Tourism Code, the Management Committee is renewed after each municipal election. You will find here all the minutes of our CODIR meetings.

Local authority representatives

The representatives

elected holders

Jean-Luc NAYRAC (Rudelle) Paul PELLAT (Leyme) Michel LE ROUX (Sénaillac-Latronquière) Eliane LAVERGNE (Latronquière) Stéphane BERARD (Capdenac-Gare) Marc ARDRE (Capdenac-Gare) Guy BATHEROSSE (Capdenac), Guillaume BALDY (Figeac) Marta LUIS (Figeac) Jean-Claude VOYNET (Camboulit) Patrick LAUMOND (Fons) André MELLINGER (Figeac) Martine BENET- BAGREAUX (Espagnac-Sainte-Eulalie) Maxime HUG (Assier) Didier BURG (Calvignac), Alain GOUGET (Saint-Chels) Hélène LACIPIERE (Vice-President Culture-Patrimoine), Benoit NORMAND (Vice-President) Vincent LABARTHE (Président)

The representatives

elected substitutes

Ginette CAGNAC (Lacapelle-Marival) Jean-Louis GRIFFOUL (Saint-Bressou) Francis THERS (Bessonies), Claudine RIGAL (Gorses) Jérôme DALMON (Sonnac), Valérie PINTON (Bagnac-sur-Célé) Bernard LANDES (Figeac), Hélène GAZAL (Figeac), Philippe LANDREIN (Figeac), Antoine SOTO (Figeac), Guy LACOUT (Planioles) Pascal JANOT (Figeac) François BREIL (Brengues), Dominique LEGRESY (Corn) Michel DELPECH (Marcilhac-sur-Célé), André ORTALO-MAGNE (Larnagol) Pascal BAHU (Prendeignes), Sophie PICARD (Cardaillac) Nathalie MASBOU (Gréalou)

Socioprofessional representatives

