The Célé route
110 km in 5 to 6 daysThis itinerary, with its many footpaths, stretches for almost 120 km between Figeac and Cahors. From Figeac, we take the GR®65 to Béduer, before branching off at Le Mas de la Croix onto the GR®651, the Célé route. Vertiginous cliffs, semi-troglodytic houses, breathtaking panoramas, discreet villages… The wild landscapes of the Parc Naturel Régional des Causses du Quercy are revealed along the way. Pure delight! Along the way, we pass through some charming villages: Corn and its resurgence, Espagnac-Sainte-Eulalie and its Val Paradis priory, Marcilhac-sur-Célé and its ancient Benedictine abbey, not forgetting Saint-Georges-sur-Célé.nedictine abbey, not forgetting Saint-Sulpice, Sauliac-sur-Célé and Cabrerets, famous for the prehistoric Pech Merle cave. At Bouziès, the Célé flows into the Lot. There are two options: continue towards Cahors along the Lot valley or make a detour to Saint-Cirq-Lapopie, perched on a cliffside. We choose to visit this village, listed as one of France’s Most Beautiful Villages. Along the way, we pass by the Château des Anglais and take the spectacular Ganil towpath, carved into the rock and adorned with a 30-meter-long bas-relief. And if your feet start to get tired, why not canoe part of the way and bivouac on the banks of the Célé? An unforgettable adventure awaits you.